frient EMIZB-141
Smart powermeter Zigbee bridge
Services and characteristics
The following HomeKit Services and Characteristics are exposed by the frient EMIZB-141
- Battery
- Battery Level
- Charging State
- Status Low Battery
This is the information provided by Zigbee2MQTT for this device:
"name": "battery",
"label": "Battery",
"access": 1,
"type": "numeric",
"property": "battery",
"description": "Remaining battery in %, can take up to 24 hours before reported",
"category": "diagnostic",
"unit": "%",
"value_max": 100,
"value_min": 0
"name": "power",
"label": "Power",
"access": 1,
"type": "numeric",
"property": "power",
"description": "Instantaneous measured power",
"category": "diagnostic",
"unit": "W"
"name": "energy",
"label": "Energy",
"access": 1,
"type": "numeric",
"property": "energy",
"description": "Sum of consumed energy",
"unit": "kWh"
"name": "linkquality",
"label": "Linkquality",
"access": 1,
"type": "numeric",
"property": "linkquality",
"description": "Link quality (signal strength)",
"category": "diagnostic",
"unit": "lqi",
"value_max": 255,
"value_min": 0