Tuya ZA03
Siren alarm
This device is currently UNSUPPORTED. Want to have this device supported? Please check the GitHub issue section to see if a request already exists for this device. If it doesn’t exist yet, you can open a new request by filling in the Device support issue template.
This is the information provided by Zigbee2MQTT for this device:
"name": "alarm",
"label": "Alarm",
"access": 3,
"type": "binary",
"property": "alarm",
"description": "Sound the alarm",
"value_on": "ON",
"value_off": "OFF"
"name": "volume",
"label": "Volume",
"access": 3,
"type": "enum",
"property": "volume",
"values": [
"name": "ringtone",
"label": "Ringtone",
"access": 3,
"type": "enum",
"property": "ringtone",
"values": [
"ringtone 1",
"ringtone 2",
"ringtone 3",
"ringtone 4",
"ringtone 5",
"ringtone 6",
"ringtone 7",
"ringtone 8",
"ringtone 9",
"ringtone 10",
"ringtone 11",
"ringtone 12",
"ringtone 13",
"ringtone 14",
"ringtone 15",
"ringtone 16",
"ringtone 17",
"ringtone 18",
"ringtone 19",
"ringtone 20",
"ringtone 21",
"ringtone 22",
"ringtone 23",
"ringtone 24",
"ringtone 25",
"ringtone 26",
"ringtone 27",
"ringtone 28",
"ringtone 29",
"ringtone 30",
"ringtone 31",
"ringtone 32"
"name": "duration",
"label": "Duration",
"access": 3,
"type": "numeric",
"property": "duration",
"description": "How long the alarm sounds for when triggered",
"unit": "s",
"value_max": 380,
"value_min": 1,
"value_step": 1